What is Indexing?

In the website building and SEO process, the common question always comes that what is indexing and how it works.
In this article, you can easily understand what is indexing and how indexing works.

Information scraped by the crawlers/spiders needs to be organized, sorted, and stored so that it can be processed by the search engine algorithms before made available to the end-user. This process is called Indexing.

Now you ask what is a Crawler check this article about what is a crawler and how it works.

Related Article: What is a crawler?

Search engines don’t store all the information found on a page in their index but
they keep things like:

  • When article or Post was created/updated
  • Title
  • Description
  • description of the Page
  • Type of Content
  • Associated Keywords
  • Incoming and Outgoing Links
  • Schema
  • OG details etc.
  • and a lot of other parameters that are needed by their algorithms.

Google likes to describe its index like the back of a book (a really big book).

Why care about the indexing process?

It’s very simple, if your website is not in their index, it will not appear for any searches or SERPS.

This also says that the more pages you have in the search engine indexes, the more are you have chances of appearing in the search results when someone types a query or target keyword.
Sometimes Google crawlers fail to find your websites All pages in that case you can try the WEB indexer package to get your website crawled asap to get it indexed within weeks.

Product: WEB Indexer

Notice that I mentioned the word ‘appear in the search results’, which means in any position and not necessarily on the top positions or pages.
In order to appear in the first 5 positions of the SERPs (search engine results pages), you have to optimize your website or need to do On-page Optimization for search engines using a process called Search Engine Optimization or SEO in short.

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